15th August results

Ladies Golf Wednesday 12 August 2022

11 Ladies faced another cold day on Wednesday, with Meagan Taylor (16) winning the day on a

countback from the inform Angela Morton (16) both having 35 points. Rosie Laughlin (35) had a

good score of 34 points with Nola Robinson (28) on 33 points taking out balls in the ball pool.

Meagan won the Chino’s NTP 9 th and Chrissy Downs has a new pen. Next Week hit at 10.00am.

Thursday R & R Stableford 13 August 2022

On a reasonable dry day, 19 men entered the competition and Gary Pay was the winner with 38

points followed by Col Wilkie and Joe Tartaglia both on 36 points and last in the Ball Pool saw Phil

Lloyd, on a countback with 33 points.

NTP’s went to P Lloyd on the 3 rd , K Lane on the 5 th , G Wyte on the 9 th , A free 0n the 13 th . Once again,

nobody got the 16 th .

Saturday Greenwood Mugge 13 th August 2022

A field of 20 contested the Greenwood Mugge and the Ladies Goblet, on a very wet course with not

much run. The Ladies Winner was Olive Spitty, scoring 27 points. Ross Nesbit won the Mugge with

38 points, from Captain Jack on 36 points. The others in the Ball Pool were G Teasdale 33, D Wood &

J Tartaglia on 32. NTP’s 3 rd R Nesbit, 5 th D Wood, 9 th K Lane, 13 th C Wilkie and 16 th A Spitty. Doug

Ellwood has a nice Blue Pen.