19th November results
/Wednesday Ladies 15 November 2023
Only 7 Ladies started the day, and the Winner was Jenny Waterson with 38 points. The runner-up
was Shirley Jenner with 37 points Angela Morton was the other in the Ball pool with 36 points.
Chino’s NTP on the 9 th went to Carol Dear.
Thursday Choice Cut Butchers 4BBB Stableford 16 November 2023
40 entrants for the start of the Annual Tournament, a very good start. The winner of the Ladies
Section was Lisa Hyne & Jenny Waterson scoring 42 pts from Runners up Joyce Boyd & Meryl
Cameron on 41 pts. The Men’s Section winners were Brent McKnight & Simon Kelly scoring 46 points
from Runners up Wayne O’Neill & Rob Fabry on 44 points. There were 7 pairs of Ladies competing.
NTP’s went to S Kelly 3 rd , 5 th C Waterson, 9 th R Thouliss, 13 th G Teasdale and 16 th M Heavyside.
Saturday Halls Hardware Pat McKnight Trophy 17 November 2023
Two events were conducted, the first was the Pat McKnight Trophy, which was won by Chris
Waterson with a score of 74, congratulations Chris. The B Grade winner was Wayne O’Neill. The
Ladies winner was Jenny Waterson. Doud McKnight was on hand to present the Trophy. In the
second event Brendan Shields ran away from the field to score 75-11=64. A great score.
Sunday 3 Person Ambrose 19 November 2023
The IGA 3 Person Ambrose attracted 44 members and visitors to the course. In ideal conditions, the
winning combination of Geraldine Kennedy, Robert Dick, Kevin Lane and Kelvin Free, scored net
54.25. Runner up was the combination of Col Wilkie, Barry Gladman and Luke Hadfield scoring
57.33. Ladies Nearest the line went to Mabel Spitty and the Men’s went to Kelvin Free.
NTP’s on the 3 rd James Meehan, 5 th & 13 th Scott Harry, 9 th Rob Dick and 16 th Nathan Free. Thanks to
our very generous sponsors over the 3 days. Don’t forget the Groove On The Green next Sunday, lots
of fine music and food.