26th May results
/Wednesday Ladies Stableford 22 May 2024
12 Ladies entered today’s event. The weather and course were in very good condition and
Joyce Boyd was the winner with 38 points. Ball Pool went to Shirley Jenner 36, Angela
Morton 35. Chino’s NTP 9 th Voucher was claimed by Shirley Jenner.
Thursday R & R Stableford 23 May 2024
26 members and guests entered the competition and once again the course and weather
was perfect for golf.
The winner was Kevin Sambrooks with 38 points. Ball pool went to D Knight 37, G Teasdale
and S Dibsdale 36, G Wyte and M Wilson 35 on C/B. NTP’s went to S Dibsdale 3 rd & 13 th , 5 th
& 16 th G Teasdale and the 9 th D Meehan.
Ladies Autumn Tournament 4Ball Friday 24 May 2024
A very good field (56) entered for this annual event sponsored by Wishart’s Jewellers.
The winners were Jenny Lynas and Tamika Hoga with 44points on a C/B. Runners up
Wendy Bennet and Maxine Power also 44 points. Ball Pool S Jenner/ N Robinson 42 c/b, C
Downes/J Milne 42, J Waterson/L McCulloch 41. NTP’s 3 rd J Youl, 5 th /9 th M Male, 13 th G Bird
and 16 th M Cameron. Pen Award went to Di Johnson/Dot Beattie. Thank you to all for
supporting the Kerang Golf Club.
Saturday Stableford 25 May 2024
26 members played today, and Jan Harry won the Ladies event with 38 points and Brian
Gibson the Men’s with 37 points. Ball Pool J Waterson 36, R Schultze 36, C Waterson 35, P
Jones and M Dillon 33. NTP’s 3 rd J Harry, 5 th K Chase, 9 th B Gibson, 13 th P Hall and 16 th M
Sunday 26 May Pennant Results
Kerang vs Deniliquin at Murray Downs GC.
Div 1 Kerang lost to Deni 4/1. A Spitty the only winner.
Div 2 Kerang won 3/2. Winners B Shields, B Gillingham, S Harry.
Div 3 Kerang won 4/1. Winners M Spitty, D Henderson, D Knight & K Lane. Kerang Div 3
into next Sundays Final at Cohuna. Good Golfing Div 3.
M Power/W Bennet Runners up
T Hogan/J Lynas winners