3rd October Results

Wednesday Ladies Report 28 Septemner 2022

Due to the very wet conditions, there was no ladies Wednesday comp this week.

Thursday R & R Stableford 29 September 2022

With the drying conditions (read as NO more rain) 27 members and a visitor from Berriwillock, took

up the challenge of a wet course. The best player on the day was Shane Dibsdale with 37 points. Ball

Pool was, Chris Waterson 35, Gav Teasadale 34, Casey Gillen 33, and Barry Gladman 32.

NTP’s went to Greg Gin on the 3 rd & 9 th , Shane Dibsdale 5 th , R Thouliss 13 th and C Waterson 16 th .

Saturday Monthly Medal Stroke 1 October 2022

Michelle Dillon

Shane Dibsdale