16th July results

Wednesday 12 July 2023

A small field for this week’s Stableford competition. The winner was Chrissy Downs with 34 points from 3 others on 29 points. Runner-Up was Megan Taylor. Ball pool went to Rhonda Willoughby. Chino’s NTP on the 9th went to Rosie Laughlin.

Thursday R & R Stableford 13 July 2023

Winer on the day was Col Wilkie with 37 points. Ball-pool went to A Free 35, G Teasdale & P Jones 34 and D Meehan 33. NTP’s went to 3rd C Wilkie, 5th T Laughlin, 9th T Hall, 13th A Free and the 16th went unclaimed.

Saturday Par 15 July 2020

On our best day weather wise for a while, the Captain, had us play Par for the day, much to the golfer’s delight! Robert Dick (14) won the day with a +4 to scrape home by +1 from Tony Laughlin (10) at +3.

Ladies’ winner with a score of square, was Rosie Laughlin (34). Ball Pool Winners Ross Nesbitt (12) +2, Malcolm Kennedy +1 and Ron Schultze (25), Scott Harry (12), Roger Pay (14) all o -1. Best on the par 3’s were Tony Hall 3rd, Col Wilkie 5th, Tony Laughlin 9th and Captain Jack on 13 & 16.