23rd July results

Ladies Wednesday Stableford 19 July 2023

Nine ladies enjoyed a perfect golf day this week. Winner of the Stapleford round was Jill Marshall (37 points) Runner up was Joyce Boyd with 35 points and Jan Harry was in the ball pool with 33 points. Jan also won nearest the pin on the 9th.

Lorraine Bray had a fun day and went home with the pen. Next week we meet at 9:30 am for a 10 am hit off.


Thursday R & R Stableford 20 July 2023

The threat of rain didn’t stop 26 members from venturing out into a dull cold day. The eventual winner was Phil Lloyd with 40 points. In the Ball Pool were J Hewitt and D Knight 39 points, A Free and P Jones 36 points on a count back. NTP’s went to A Free 3rd, P Lloyd 5th, R Thoulliss 9th and K Sambrooks 13th.

Saturday Stableford 22 July 2023

6 ladies and 17 Men to the field with Rosie Laughlin (35) winning the Ladies event with 40 points and Kevin Chase (23) got the Men’s win.

Ball Pool J Hewitt 36, K lane 35, T Turvey 34, C Wilkie & G Teasdale 33.

NTP’s 3rd & 9th T Turvey, 5th J Hewitt, 9th A Free and 16th D Knight.