29th August results
/Wednesday 23 rd August 2022
Our golf course is looking a picture after the recent rain, but us Wednesday ladies are looking for a
bit of sunshine in the next couple of months. After another wet/showering day, Jenny Waterson (17)
had a nice round paring 8 holes, to finish with 37 points. Jan Harry (15) is coming into some form
with 33 points. Meagan Taylor (16) finished with 32 points. 29 points was a popular score with Marg
Learmonth (23) taking the last ball in the Ball pool from Ange Morton (15), Carol Dear (24) and Nola
Robinson (28). Rosie Laughlin has a nice new pen for herself. Next week is Par, hit off is at 10.00am.
Thursday R & R Stableford 24 th August 2022
On a better day for golf, on a Thursday, once again Tony Laughlin (10) still showing no signs of
slowing down won for the second week in a row with 37 pts. R/up to Tony was our Captain Jack
Hewitt (13) 36 and the ball pool also included Red Manners (7) and Joe Tartaglia (16) both on 35.
Nearest the pins were Jack Hewitt 3 rd , Kevin Sambrooks 9 th , Col Wilkie 13 th and Chris Waterson 16 th ,
unfortunately no one landed on the 5 th . Doug Ellwood is the proud recipient of a new pen.
Saturday Stableford 26 th August 2022
Men’s winner on a glorious day for golf was Roger Pay (15) on 40 pts and the ladies’ winner, who last
week was finding form, has now this week taken it to a new level. Jan Harry (15) with 41 pts to win
by 6 from Rosie Laughlin (35) on 35 pts. In the ball pool was Chris Gray (16) and Tony Laughliun (10)
both 37, Allan Free (19) and Rosie Laughlin both 35 and Michelle Dillon (9) 34. Shirley Jenner after
her blistering early morning round won the pen prize. We welcomed Walter Bower from Omeo to
our comp today and hopefully he enjoyed his round.
We had 2 matches in our Ian Westland 4BBB Annual Competition with Roger Pay/Peter Hall
combination defeating Gary Pay/ Chris Waterson. Also, Chris Gray/ Blake Shay defeated Jack
Hewitt/Max Wilson, so well done to those 2 groups.
Upcoming events are the Visual Appeal 4Person Ambrose on Grand Final Eve and the NDGA Grass
Green Championships, will be held at Cohuna on 18 th September.
This year for our Twilight Golf Competition, we are going to play it on Fridays beginning the week
after the Melbourne Cup.