29th May results

Ladies Wednesday Golf 24 May 2023

It was good to have 13 ladies play as well as a potential new member – Kathy. Michelle Dillon had a great round with 39 points and was also nearest the pin on the 9th. Rosy Laughlin was runner up with 38 points and Jill Marshall was also in the ball pool with 37 points along with Jenny Waterson, 34 points.

Michelle had a birdie on the 16th and Jenny had a birdie on the 2nd.

Anyone is welcome to join us on a Wednesday to play 9 holes or the 18. Assemble at 9:30 am for a 10 am hit off.

Thursday R & R Stableford 25 May 2023

The day was very cold and most of the 25 players that entered finished cold, but just a few had some hot scored. The winner was Gavin Teasdale with 39 points, from Terry Turvey with 35, K Chase, P Lloyd & G Pay all had 34. NTP’s went to G Wyte 3rd, 5th went begging, K Chase 9th, C manners 13th and K Lane got the 16th.

Saturday Stableford 27 May 2023

Only 2 Ladies and 17 Men entered, on a really cold day! Although Captain Jack (9) had 33 points and won the Men’s Competition on a 4-way countback from K Chase, A Free, T Laughlin, G Wyte got the last ball with 31.

The Ladies winner was Shirley Jenner with 31 points. NTP’s went to C Manners 3rd, No one got the 5th, A Free 9th, Superpin (13th) T Laughlin and poor old 16th went begging again! Chris Gray has a new pen after his day at golf.