5th Decmber results
/Wednesday November 30th Ladies Golf
Peter Jones and Deaniee Henderson
Two groups of 4 set off in perfect conditions to play Stableford. Rhonda Willoughby played very well to score 38 points. A par on the 6th was well deserved. Runner up was Margaret Learmonth with 36 points and in the Ballpool was Joyce Boyd with 35 points. Michelle Dillon scored nearest the pin on the 9th.
Members are reminded that the 2nd round of the championships will be played on December 14th followed by afternoon tea. Next week will be monthly medal stroke day.
Thursday 1 December 2022 R & R Stableford
20 members turned up on a hot first day of Summer and Mal Kennedy in his first competitive game won the day with39 points. Ballpool results, G Wyte 37, W O’Neill 36 and T Laughlin 35 on c/b.
NTP’s went to J Hewitt on the 3rd, W O’Neill 5th, R Schultze on the 9th and T Hall (making a comeback?) on the 13th & 16th.
There will no Competition Golf on Thursday due to Rob Elliott’s Funeral, to be held at 11am followed by a wake at the golf Club. Golfers can play on Wednesday afternoon, as per normal Thursday conditions.
Saturday 3rd December 2022
The event was Monthly Medal Stroke. 31 members took part on a great day weather wise with the eventual winner being our new President Peter Jones with a score of 83-15=68. The lady’s winner was Deaniee Henderson with 90-20=70.
Ballpool C Gray 69,C waterson & P Hall 70, R Pay, G Teasdale and K Lane all71.
NTP’s 3rd D Gray, 5th D Henderson, 9th R Pay, 13th K Sambrooks and no one got the 16th. Just a reminder that David Drakes send-off is on Friday Night.