18th June results

Monday 12 June 2023 King's Birthday Stableford

Our first ever King's Birthday Stableford was played and won by Scott Harry (12) on 36 pts. in the ball pool, we had Kevin Lane (16) 35, Robert Dick (13)  and Jan Harry (11) with 31pts, got the last balls on a Countback

from Blake Shay (9) and Terry Turvey (14). Nearest the pins went to Robert Dick 3 rd , Jan Harry 5 th ,

Phil Lloyd 9 th and 13 th and Blake Shay on the 16 th .

Ladies Golf Wednesday 14 June 2023 Monthly Medal

7 Ladies and one visitor Rowena enjoyed the days play, with the winner being Jan Harry 86-11=75 followed by Ange Morton 93-14=79.

Chino’s NTP Chrissy.

Putting Competition Rhonda Willoughby 29.

Thursday R & R Stableford 15 June 2023

24 members and a visitor from Cronulla, teed off, on a good day for golf. There certainly was a wide spread of scores from a low of 14 points to a high of 36 points. It was Doug Ellwood winning the day on a countback from Chris Manners, both on 36. Others in the Ball pool were Gary Pay and Kevin Lane 0n 35 and Gavin Teasdale on 32. NTP’s went to K Lane 3rd, G Teasdale 5th, G Pay 9th, J Hewitt 13th and T Turvey 16th.

Saturday Stableford 17 June 2023

27 members and guests enjoyed a fine day on a very good golf course. Doug Ellwood has continued his great form of late scoring another win on a countback from Blake Shay with 37 points. For the Ladies Shirley Jenner won with 29 points. Ball pool went to T Turvey 35, Ross Nesbitt 34, Brendan Shields, and Gav Teasdale with 33. NTP’s went to L Hadfield 3rd, C Waterson 9th and R Nesbitt 13th.