22nd March results
/Ladies Report Wednesday 16 March
12 Ladies enjoyed the cooler weather, on St. Patrick’s Day. We welcomed Robyn McGrath, Meryl Cameron’s sister, from Bright Country Golf Club. Also Mandy Ackland (24) who had a nice day with 36 points, taking home the major prize. Runner-up was Joyce Boyd (24) with 34 points. Ball Pool was a battle between the sisters, with Robyn (15) with 33 points, beating Meryl (16) with31 points.
Chino’s NTP, Robyn McGrath.
Next week 9 for 9.30 hit off, see you there, cheers The Captain
Thursday R & R Stableford 18 March
Twenty five golfers set out in very mild conditions. Chris Waterson was the winner with 39 points.
Saturday Stableford 21 March
A smaller field than usual, some must have gone to the footy, played on Saturday with Max Wilson winning the days event with 42 points.
Chris Waterson