24th December 2019

Twilight Golf The last hit before Christmas saw a small but happy field of golfers and non golfers. Of the Non-golfers Jordan Simpson had a good night scoring a nett 37.5 to win on a count back from Brad Pape. Third place went to Brad Short not far behind on nett 38, the golfers section was won by Wayne O’Neil (26) with a nett 33, second place Brady Gillingham (13) nett 34.5, third Kevin Sambrooks (20) 35 and fourth Red Manners (3.5) 35.5. The novelty prizes went to NTP 16th Brady Gillingham, Superpin 13th Bigsy Gray, Longest drive to Hayden Hall, Nearest the Line Curly Doyle and nearest the tyre second shot to Brad Short. Thursday Golf A small band of mad but happy golfers slugged their way round the course on a very hot day just to prove to everyone that some of our golfers are indeed crazy. The best of the crazy ones was Gary Pay (17) 39 pts. Second place went to Ron Schultze (27), who is now just about firing on all 8 cylinders after recent illness, 38 and the Pres Terry (12) third 36. Ntp’s 3rd Graham Wyte. He may have missed out in the ball pool by a countback but Phil Lloyd won balls on 5th , 9th and 1 th and Terry Turvey won on the 16th . Saturday Golf Thankfully this day was 13 degrees cooler than the day before so it may have kept a few golfers away but we still had a field of over 30 play. Best of the day was Ron Schultze (27) who is now back running on all cylinders to win on countback from 2 others with 39 pts. Ron started off badly with a triple and double bogey and a pick up on the first 3 holes to play very steady golf for the rest of his round. Ball pool was Bigsy Gray (16) 39 and Gavin Teasdale (12) 38, Chris Waterson (9) 38, Doug Meehan (5) 37 and the last ball went to Logan Keighran (10) on a countback from 3 others on 36 pts. Ntp’s were 3rd James Meehan jnr, 5th Blake Shay, 9th Ross Nesbit, Superpin 13th to Blake Shay who nearly holed out and the 16th to Terry Turvey for the second time this week. Max and Gav day is on Saturday 28 th this for golfers and nongolfers so everyone turn up for this popular day and members don’t forget to bring a plate. I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas this year and got what they wanted and have a happy new year.