4th April results
/Ladies Golf 30 March 2022
The ladies had perfect weather to play Stableford. The milder conditions suited the 13 players. The winner was Meryl Cameron with 37 points. Michelle, Rhonda and Geraldine did very well to be in the ball pool. Nearest the pin on the 9th was Shirley and Nola on the 3rd. Meryl and Joyce managed a birdie each.
Angela G. will pack the insect spray next week to deal with the spiders in the new toilets.
The ladies would like to thank John Walsh for making the sign to show the way to the 15th hole.
Next week assembly at 9:30 am for a 10 am hit off.
Twilight Golf
Another quality field of golfers for our last Twilight Golf night and Allan Free was the best with 46 – 9.5 = 35.5 to end a good season of Twilight for Poddy. R/up was one of our newest members in Robert Dick with 50 – 13.5 = 36.5 well done to him and in the non-golfer’s section, once again Andrew Lindsay had a win with 49 off the stick which is better than a lot of golfers. Nearest the pin was on the nineth and that went to Red Manners.
Thursday Golf
The weather this day kept a lot of golfers away but those that turned up saw a great display of consistent golf from the winner John Murphy (21) who had 36 points to win from 2 others on 34 points who were Ray Taylor (27) from Boort and Graham Wyte (11). Tony Hall (17) and Ron Schultze (25) both on 33 got the last balls in the ball pool. NTP’s No one made the 3rd, A Free got both the 5th & 9th, G Wyte the 13th and A Stringer the 16th. Brendan Shields fought off a determined pair, all on 21 points, to take home the Pen.
Saturday Golf
Although it was the start of the footy season, we still had a good roll up of golfers for our monthly medal and the winner was Graham Wyte (12) with a net 69. Graham has been in the top 5 each week recently so this win was well deserved. Ladies’ winner was club captain Michelle Dillon (8) with a fine nett 67 and R/up was Deaniee Henderson (20) 68. Rest of the ball pool was Jean Youl (21) 68, Terry Turvey (15) 69, Joe Tartaglia (14), Tony Laughlin (8), John Murphy (20) and Chris Gray (13) all these players were on nett 71 and Spud McKerrow (27) got the last ball on c/b from Alan Free (19) both on 72 nett. Andrew Spitty had the best stroke score with 69 off the stick and Casey Wilson won the pen for his fine effort. Nearest the pins went to Greg Gin on the 3rd, Ross Nesbit 5th, Alan Free 9th, Andrew Spitty got the money on the 13th and John Murphy got it on the long 16th.
Ladies Wednesday Winner Meryl Cameron
Saturday’s men’s Winner Graham Wyte
Ladies Saturday Winner Michelle Dillon